Fallout 4 Where Is the Opening Red Rocket

Fallout 4: Nuka-World DLC guide - Star Cores, Hidden Cappy signs, endings and more

Everything you need to conquer Fallout 4: Nuka-World, be it Star Cores or side quests.


Fallout 4: Nuka-World adds an even bigger landmass than Far Harbor, which was itself a record size for Bethesda, so there's plenty to see and do.

The self-contained story is well-flagged and it's not hard to get hold of new loot, but if you're determined to get the most out of Fallout 4: Nuka-World in the most efficient way possible, we've got what you need.

Whether you're looking for Star Cores to get the power armour you stumbled across during Star Control, hunting down Hidden Cappy signs for Sierra, wondering what to do about your gangs during The Grand Tour, looking for some new perks or just browsing what's available in the DLC ahead of purchase, we hope to have something to assist you.

We'll start off with an overview of the quests available in Fallout 4: Nuka-World, move through the three main types of collectible available through the expansion, and then throw together all the other good stuff - the new companion, perks, equipment and enemies.

You can use the navigation box to skip right down to whatever it is you're looking for. This guide is a chapter of our much larger Fallout 4 guide, if you're looking for more general information on Bethesda's post-nuclear epic.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World quests

Fallout 4: Nuka-World tells a thrilling story of beating people up and taking their money - with fair rides. Because you're in it to loot and plunder, almost all the quests essentially boil down to "visit place, kill things, profit" (how unlike the rest of video game?) so in lieu of a full walkthrough you may just wish to consult our Fallout 4: Nuka-World Endings guide for an explanation of how your actions can shape the future of the park; scroll down for that.

  • How to find, install and access Fallout 4: Nuka-World DLC

    The first battle in every Fallout 4 DLC is getting the damn thing working, and Nuka-World is no exception. If you're wandering around the map wondering why you can't find this fizzy drink theme park you were expecting to see, this page will help you get sorted out.

  • Fallout 4: Nuka World Endings guide - perks, rewards and Open Season

    Fallout 4: Nuka-World has multiple endings. Which one will you choose? What perks and rewards will you unlock? Consult this necessarily spoiler-filled guide for details on how to ensure you secure the future you want when Fallout 4: Nuka World draws to a close.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World main story path

The main story path is well-flagged and largely linear. You should consult the endings guide if you have any doubts about the raider lifestyle or have concerns about tensions between the three gang factions, hem hem.

  • All Aboard
  • Take for a Ride
  • An Ambitious Plan
  • The Grand Tour
    • Star Control
    • A Magical Kingdom
    • High Noon at the Gulch
    • Safari Adventure
    • A World of Refreshment
  • Home Sweet Home
  • Power Play

Fallout 4: Nuka-World side quests

There aren't too many side-quests in Fallout 4: Nuka-World, but they make up in quality what they lack in quality, although your mileage may vary on the Hidden Cappy saga (scroll down to the collectibles section for help with that).

  • Trip to the Stars
    Investigate the Hubologist Camp in the southwest corner of the Nuka-World map.
  • Amoral Combat
    Revisit the Cola Cars Arena later in the DLC and speak with Fritsch.
  • Precious Medals
    Speak with N.I.R.A. (the mascot robot).
  • Cappy in a Haystack
    Speak to Sierra in Nuka-Town USA.
  • Open Season
    After gaining free-roam access to Nuka-Town, speak to MacKenzie (Nuka-Town Market) or Preston. This quest will derail the main story path; see our endings guide for details.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World Radiant quests

Like most of Fallout 4, Nuka-World will offer you literally endless questing if that's what you want. Each of the raider factions has jobs for you to do

    Available after meeting gang leaders in An Ambitious Plan:
  • Cache-ing In
  • A Permanent Solution
  • Taking Out The Trash
  • Collaring Outside the Lines
  • Under the Collar
    Available from Shank after The Grand Tour:
  • Clear Out
  • Subdue
  • Capture
  • Shake Down
  • Claiming the Commonwealth (after Home Sweet Home)
  • Cleaning House (after Power Play)


Fallout 4: Nuka-World collectibles: Star Cores, Hidden Cappy signs and Scav! Magazine

For some reason Bethesda got really trigger-happy on waypoint-limited scavenger quests in Fallout 4: Nuka World. They're a bit of a pain, to be frank, but don't worry - we've done the hard yards for you.

  • How to find every Star Core in Fallout 4: Nuka-World for the Star Control quest

    35 bastard Star Cores are scattered around Fallout 4: Nuka-World. most are found in the Galactic Zone, where the related quest, Star Control, takes place. Some are found in other locations. None of them are marked with waypoints. Feel free to say some rude words.

  • All Hidden Cappy locations for Fallout 4: Nuka-World - Cappy in a Haystack

    Oh right yeah sure, make me find ten Hidden Cappy signs scattered around Fallout 4: Nuka-World with nothing but a Holotape I have to dig out of my poorly-designed inventory every time I want to see the hints. Why not! That seems like a good idea. I'm not mad.

  • Boost your SPECIAL with Scav! Magazine

    A new magazine found only in Nuka-World, Scav! offers a stack of different bonuses for combat, speech and more. Uniquely among Fallout 4's boost collectibles, one issue offers greater rewards the less money you have. Find all five issues and get the most out of the additional perks.

  • All 15 Nuka-Cola recipe locations

    Have you ever wanted to mix your own varieties of Nuka-Cola? Us either, but some of these recipes are ridiculously powerful. Survival Mode players may want to investigate before facing off against some of the tougher challenges.


Fallout 4: Nuka-World perks, companion, weapons and enemies

Raider ambitions aside, there's a good reason to play Fallout 4: Nuka-World: awesome rewards. Here are the most notable new additions to your game-breaking wasteland commando build (slash fashionista).

New companion perk: Gage

Porter Gage is the first to spot your potential and welcome you as a force for change in Nuka-World. If you don't bring a companion with you he'll automatically join you on your journey, and is a valuable, deadly companion who will prove more resilient to the dangers of the theme park than your early-game pals.

Gage's ultimate companion perks is Lessons in Blood, which provides a 5% bonus to kill XP and a 10% bonus to damage resistance. Here's how to make him your new BFF:

  • Pick locks
  • Steal
  • Modify Weapons
  • Play arcade machines
  • Barter for higher payment
  • Make aggressive or sarcastic dialogue choices
  • Complete new kinds of radiant quest for a faction leader
  • Kill friendly Nuka-World raiders
  • Use alcohol or chems
  • Make peaceful dialogue choices


Wasteland Warlord perk

Towards the end of Fallout 4: Nuka-World you'll open the ability to establish raider settlements in the Commonwealth. This seems to have no negative consequences with regards to your relations with other factions in the core game. The perk levels up as you build more raider settlements:

  • Three raider settlements: Unlocks new structures at all Raider outposts
  • Five raider settlements: Unlocks additional structures at all Raider outposts
  • Eight raider settlements: You rule the wastes! Your outposts can construct all Raider structures!


Fallout 4: Nuka-World map - new Red Rocket Settlement, Junkyard and more

There are several notable new locations in Fallout 4: Nuka-World. Here are the ones you're probably going to be on the look out for:

  • Red Rocket settlement
    Only one new settlement has been added with Fallout 4: Nuka-World. The Red Rocket is found almost directly east of the Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant, but it can't be used until you restore power to the park.
  • Junkyard
    One of the most sought-after locations in all of Fallout 4: Nuka-World, the Junkyard is in the west of the map, north of the Hubologist Camp. If you really can't find it, and you're looking for the Star Core and Scav! issue in the nearby barn, try kicking off the Trip to the Stars quest the Hubologists offer you. They'll lead you right to the entrance in the second half.
  • Nuka-World Power Plant
    Whether you follow the story or take the Open Season route, you'll want to restore power to Nuka-World. Find the power plant due west of the Galactic Zone.
  • Nuka-World Transit Centre
    This location is actually in the Commonwealth, and is your first stop after receiving the radio message alerting you to the existence of Nuka-World. You can find it on the west side of the map, and the Nuka-World quest marker will lead you right to it.

fallout 4 dlc nuka world

Rad new weapons and equipment in Fallout 4: Nuka-World

Fallout 4: Nuka-World offers plenty of loot. Here's out pick of what's prettiest and most powerful.

  • Nuka-Nuke launcher
    Pretty much the reason you bothered with the bloody Hidden Cappy signs. Like a standard nuke launcher but makes pretty colours.
  • Thirst Zapper
    You receive one during the early pasrt of the DLC and will never need to use it again outside the Nuka-Cade.
  • Throatslicer
    Sold in the market. Does bleed damage.
  • Splattercannon
    Unique legendary with the Furious effect, sold in the market.
  • Sword of Wonders
    You receive this for peacefully resolving the Kiddie Kingdom quest. It's a bit rubbish, to be honest.
  • Cito's Shiny Slugger
    Unique melee weapon offered as a reward if you don't murder an innocent bit of eye candy.
  • Paddle Ball
    Redeem 500 Nuka-Cade tickets for this. You can pick up ammo from the machine, too.
  • Smart Grenades
    Adds the Smart Grenade perk; grenades do no damage to the player even if you drop them right at your feet. Purchase from Shelbie Chase at the Nuka-Town Market.
  • Nuka-Girl rocketsuit
    Take this off a mannequin outside Nuka-Galaxy in the Galactic Zone, never look back.
  • Nuka T-51 power armour/Quantum X-01 power armour
    It's new power armour. Of course you want it.
  • Overboss power armour
    Be sure to rob the body before you leave the Cola Cars Arena, even if it means being over-encumbered for a few minutes.
  • Oswald's Tophat
    No we're talking. Boosts movement speed by 10% and style by 9,000,000%. Found during the main story quest.
  • Gage's Armour
    Not worth it, you monster.
  • Nuka-World Clothing
    A variety of Cappy and Nuka-World costumes can be yours, including the Nuka-World Jumpsuit (Cappy in a Haystack) and a ridiculous number of "& Jeans" outfits.
  • Cowboy clothing
    Hats! In both typical browns and more dramatic blacks! And various varieties! Howdy howdy howdy! We have nothing more to say about these.
  • Disciples armour and clothing
    Although they get about mostly in ripped old clothing, the Disciples offer multiple new armour sets: Strapped, Wrapped, Bladed, Metal and Spiked. They also have armoured skirts and at least three different helmets. And they bag the Operators out for being vain.
  • Operators armour and clothing
    The Operators offer both a standard and heavy armour set, as well as armoured dress, armoured skirt, belted chest piece, glasses and goggles. They like the new "fancy" clothing sets, too.
  • Pack armour and clothing
    One word: masks. The Pack offers some miscellaneous armour sets, but really you're in it for the beanie, crow mask, beanie and crow mask, buffalo helmet, carnival mask, deer mask, elephant helmet, horned helmet. jaguar helmet and moose helmet. Of course you are. They like furry clothes, unsurprisingly.
  • Colourful Undergarments
    To be honest, we're not super sure why there are so many new kinds of underwear in Fallout 4: Nuka-World, except that Commonwealth raiders sure do love running around in their underoos.


New enemies in Fallout 4: Nuka-World

Yes, there are new enemies in Fallout 4: Nuka-World. At this stage some of you are probably level 70 and will not be phased, while others will regret all those side quests they skipped when they're being eaten by cave crickets.

  • Ant
    Yes, that's what the world needs. Comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, including the Flying Ant Swarm.
  • Rad-rat
    Wait, I was wrong; this is what the world needs: the rat equivalent of a radroach.
  • Bloodworm
    It's a worm, and it wants your blood. it burrows and pops up like a molerat but is otherwise very dull.
  • Cave Cricket
    Surprisingly murderous. As if normal-sized cave crickets were not terrifying enough.
  • Gatorclaw
    Someone made a new type of Deathclaw from bits of alligator for reasons we still don't fully grok despite reading all the terminal entries.
  • Ghoulrilla
    We have nothing further to say on this subject. Case closed.
  • Pack raiders
    Dressed like a budget circus came to town, like to get up close and personal with melee weapons, unpleasantly hardy.
  • Disciple raiders
    Creepily into knives, but this won't stop them shooting you.
  • Operator raiders
    Supposedly stealthy and snipey, but actually just pretty standard raiders. Think gunners with better hair.

Is there anything else you need to know about Fallout 4: Nuka-World? Let us know and we'll see what can be done to assist you.

Fallout 4 Where Is the Opening Red Rocket

Source: https://www.vg247.com/fallout-4-nuka-world-dlc-guide-star-cores-hidden-cappy-endings

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